
• Please answer the below question and ask a good question and please refer to the text and citing specific quotes.

Dirty Magazines
When Kathy hides out in the boiler hut reading the pornographic magazines, she is searching for something in particular: “I

moved through the pages quickly, not wanting to be distracted by any buzz of sex coming off those pages. In fact, I hardly saw

the contorted bodies, because I was focusing on the faces. Even in the little adverts for videos or whatever tucked away to

the side, I checked each model’s face before moving on” (135).
What is she hoping to find?

• Please answer the below question and ask a good question and please refer to the text and citing specific quotes Title:

Atonement Author: McEwan, Ian
Compassion and Forgiveness
Is Briony’s novel an act of compassion? Or is it presumptuous of her to pretend to know what Robbie and Cecilia were feeling?
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