Health Education, Promotion, and Current Challenges for Family-Centered Health Promotion

DQ # 1) Mrs. Jones, a widow, is no longer able to live independently and is requiring more and more help with her self-care.

Her daughter, Susie, who is married with three school-aged children, agrees to let her mother move in with her. Susie is

concerned with balancing the demands of her career and the needs of her family, especially now that her elderly and

chronically ill mother will need assistance. She is also unsure about how she feels with the reversal of roles, having to now

be the primary caregiver of her mother. How can the nurse, caring for this family, assist with the changes they are about to

undergo? How can both the family structural theory and the family developmental theory be applied to this scenario? How can

health education enhance health promotion for this family?
DQ # 2) How could you use the family structural theory to determine if a family is dysfunctional or not? Provide evidence to

support your answer.

Each question can not have any less than 300 words.
The references should not be included in the assignment pages. Additionally, the reference should not be more than 3 years


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