Chapter 7 – Assignment 1

**USE Only Book ISBN – 9780078026720 Title: Sociology A Brief Introduction 10th edition Authors: Schaefer, Richard T


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Chapter 7 – Assignment 1

Be sure to include any questions number in you answer. Look at how the questions is asked and answer it the same way.

8 points
Answer the following questions after reading The Saints and The Roughnecks article.
1. Explain labeling or social reaction theory.
2. Explain self-fulfilling prophecy.
3. Discuss how labeling influenced the lives of these boys and resulted in self-fulfilling prophecy. Give specific examples.
4. What role did economics or social class play in the labeling?
5. Compare your high-school experience with those at Hannibal High. In what ways did your “reputation” either protect or harm

6. Think of a time when you were labeled negatively or positively by an authority figure, a parent, or someone else

significant to you. How powerful was the label? Did it influence how others responded to you? Did it affect your perceptions

of and feelings about yourself Give an example.
7. If it was negative did you do something to try to counteract the label or its effects
8. Did you eventually overcome, transform or shed the label? How and why?

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