Analysis of Data

Perform basic functions of mathematical and statistical functions that address data in graphical (table or chart) form. Gather statistical data by

finding and analyzing the frequency count, mean, and standard deviation of the pre-survey and post-survey data using a SPSS program. Perform

statistical tests (t-test) to determine the significance of the frequency county, mean, and standard deviation between the pre and post surveys.

Analyze the results of the pre-survey and post-survey and narratively describe results of pre and post survey data and relate it back to the

research (research paper will be attached). Use the data from the survey data to measure and discuss student’s attitude towards using thinking maps

in science. Describe what happened as a result of the implementation. The results can be a combination of survey results, anecdotal records, and/or

pupil comments. You may do this in general terms rather than by each individual student. The data from the SPSS program needs to be submitted back

to me along with the analysis in the same form as shown in the example.

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