Reflective Writing Exercise

This assignment asks you to “reflect” on a topic that you will select that has something to do with African American literature, life and or

culture. You are encouraged to choose one or more of the broad themes noted in the course description of our syllabus and apply your thoughts about

that theme along with one or more of the texts we read into your essay. I would like for you to combine an analysis of one or more of your favorite

readings along with your reflection of those readings which I expect to be more personal…tell me what you have received from this class, why the

topic and associated readings you selected may remain with you for longer than the week after final exams, and relate that reflection to the topic…

or even more personal, by incorporating any memories that may have been triggered by anything we read or discussed. I would like for you to make

this both a personal reflection as well as an essay where you research your topic and relate it to something we read or discussed this semester. You

will be evaluated on how well you integrate the above with the discussion of the work(s) you select.

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