India research

India research

Your mentor will give you your Global Villager assignment at the beginning of the semester, providing
you with some basic information about your role. You will then use various Internet resources to more
fully describe the characteristics of your villager. Once basic characteristics have been identified and
described, each "global villager" can examine how she or he might be influenced by each of the seven
global challenges (e.g., population, resources, technology), both currently and in the future.
Age 71
Latitude-23 Degrees N
Longitude 85 Degrees E
Read an article in a national newspaper (e.g., New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Wall
Street Journal) about a specific news event. The event should in some way relate to each of the seven global challenges described in this course:
1. population
2. resource management
3. technology
4. information
5. economic integration
6. conflict
7. governance
Then find a report about the same event in another news source. In Discussion Forum 1, post a well-reasoned and thoughtful response to the following discussion questions, using the standards of clarity, relevance, and breadth from "Universal Intellectual Standards" as criteria for your responses.

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