Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

‘Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) will never deliver public value as long as it remains voluntary’. Discuss critically.
– You will need to draw upon the ideas and concepts explored in the first four topics in the
study guide materials, however you must also undertake research beyond the key
associated readings.
– You must use evidence or examples to support your arguments. It is recommended that
you focus on a particular industry sector (e.g. banking, alcohol, retail clothing)

This assignment need to read massive articles. Please read all articles. I already provide articles from topic 1 to 3. But you need to find topic 4, cuz topic 4 are two books and PDF is unavailable, so you should find them from library or find very similar articles on website.(website are provide in the file that name is topic 4 the scope of CSR and CSR strategy)


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