personal reflection and introduction to you as a learner as well as your purpose and goals

personal reflection and introduction to you as a learner as well as your purpose and goals

Journal 1: Biography (2 pages)
This is a personal reflection and introduction to you as a learner as well as your purpose and goals. Write about why you chose to take this course(Education 2040: Basic Interpersonal Communication) or what you would like to develop personally or professionally. Include where you stand now with regards to your understanding of interpersonal communication. You may also want to include a narrative, describing a personal experience, or a particular attribute in others you admire.

Journal 2 :(1 page)
Q. Think of a situation in which an individual is offered a suggestion, criticism or advice and he or
she reacts very defensively. What are the outcomes of defensive communication? How can it be

Journal 3: Final Reflection(1 page)
For your final journal entry, explain what you have learned in Education 2040 that might be beneficial in
your future career. Be specific. [Note: include me being a business student and how it might help me in future.]
You should also reflect on future learning or how you can continue to develop your interpersonal
communication skills.
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