Informed Consent Document

Informed Consent Document

You are interested in conducting the qualitative evaluation on the impact of incarceration on living in the community as a law abiding citizen. Further, you plan use the interview items that were developed in the assignment (include them as an attachment to the informed consent). You will probably recruit 10-12 participants by gaining approval from probation and parole, who agree to refer potential participants. In addition to the interview items, you will be collecting. In order to be able to describe the sample, you will be collecting some background or demographic information. This might include age, race, gender, time incarcerated, number of previous incarcerations, and education or formal skill training (this data collection sheet should also appear as an attachment to the informed consent).


Develop an informed consent for perspective parolee subjects in this study. Feel free to rely on the format provided in Rubin & Babbie. This is a graded assignment.

You can certainly consult with other students if you wish.

Note. Keep in mind that some interview items could cause a mild to moderate emotional reaction of participants, who are prompted to recall past and current difficulties or issues. That should be noted under risks to participants with appropriate referral agencies and contact numbers provided.

Please use this book and look at pg. 99 as a template for the assignment. Also follow my instructors instructions!!!
Rubin, A. & Babbie, E. (2015). Essential Research methods for social workers (8th Edition). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Here are a copy of my approved discussion questions
1. Describe new ways of thinking that you developed while you were in prison that have helped you to be successful now that you are in the community? Explain how the knowledge that you gained in the prisons is applicable into the community, for example anger management techniques, AA or job skills. Describe how you will apply these skills to your life? Explain any programing that you didnt take advantage of, or that you would like to be offered to inmates?
2. Describe how relating to others in prison has affected how you related to others in the community when you were released? For instance, describe how your families react in the first day upon your release? Describe how much you missed the freedom to be with family?
3. Now that you have been in the society for six months after you released, describe how you feel about the freedom you have that you lacked in the incarceration? Explain how you plan to use that freedom and become a law abiding citizen? What changes will you make to your daily route? How will you access support to assist you from not being re-incarcerated?
4. Describe how the experience that you underwent in the prisons has transformed you to a better community member? What kind of experiences exactly changed you? Explain any regrets concerning the experiences? What would you have done differently while incarcerated?

READ ALSO :   Chapter 4 Discussion 2

TWO things need to be completed. A data collections sheet and an informed consent form. Please use the book as a guide for the informed consent form.

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