Western Literature

Western Literature

Explore the irony exhibited during the Northern Renaissance, for example, the slapstick amusement of Morris dancing and madrigals appealing to the pessimistic northern imagination and the use of the crucifixion in art to refer not to the promise of the glory of an afterlife but to the inevitability of pain and suffering.

Discuss the rise of scholasticism during the Medieval Period. What is scholasticism? How did scholasticists reconcile seemingly incompatible notions? Who were the key players in this movement and what were their positions? What have been the effects? Demonstrate, by citing at least one work of art, architecture, or literature, the influence of scholasticism.

The humanist ideas of the High Renaissance provided women with some new opportunities and roles. From patrons such as Isabella d’Este to feminist writers such as Laura Cereta and Lucretia Marinella to the Venetian courtesans such as Veronica Franco, discuss the High Renaissance woman in detail. Provide examples.

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