Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour
It’s a team work for Organisational Behaviour and I would need one of you writers to take care of my part.

The purpose of this team assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of relevant OB theories (e.g., leadership, power, motivation, organizational commitment, and conflict resolution etc.) and your ability to apply them into organizational practices. The instructions for the assignment are given below:
o • Team members work together to select an organisation (including the organization of one of your team members if applicable) to be studied.
o • Information/data on the organisation can be obtained via observations/interviews or from Internet or printed materials such as newspapers and magazines.
o • Briefly outline the background of the organisation (maximum 150 words).
o • Identify and summarize the problems that this organization is facing (related to the OB topics studied).
o • Analyse the problems based on OB concepts and theories (you should apply at least three OB theories/models studied – refer to the topics of the OB textbook).
o • Select and read at least 10 relevant articles from OB/management journals (in addition to the chapters in OB textbooks) to support your arguments. These articles should be cited in the report in APA reference style.
o • Based on the OB theories and empirical findings from OB literature: 1) provide recommendations on how to solve the problems or manage the employees in this organization; and 2) justify why your solutions will be effective.

The organisation chosen is the OMBUDSMAN COMMISSION of the PAPUA NEW GUINEA GOVERNMENT and the issue I need to take care of is the unsure of its success in deterring other leaders in becoming involved in corrupt activities. I need around 270 words on how OB theories related to leadership would help a solving of the problem. The book we refer to is "Organisational Behaviour", 7th edition Pearson and I would also have to attach 3-5 articles from high level journals supporting the essay.

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