
respond to FOUR of the FIVE questions presented. Be sure to answer ALL PARTS of each question. Place each question before each of your answers to ensure that all parts have been addressed sufficiently.
you are required to fully explain your responses.


1.Describe and explain the origins of the criminal justice system in America and the evolutionary changes regarding individual rights versus public order.

2.Outline and explain the structure and participants of the courts, and the stages and pretrial activities of a criminal trial.

3.Discuss what is meant by the “informal and formal” juvenile justice processes, including major US Supreme Court cases that have given juveniles similar due process protections as given to adults.

4.Explain the police mission, operational strategies, styles, and the legal aspects and challenges of policing today.

5.Outline and distinguish the evolution of probation, parole, community corrections, prisons, jails, and sentencing.
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