historical periods

Choose 2 historical periods that we have covered. You will focus on the prevailing approach to the poor and vulnerable (‘human services’) and the multiple factors that shaped that approach.
For each period:
1. Describe and explain the economic, social, political, cultural, and demographic forces that influenced the approach to the poor and vulnerable.

2. Describe any legacy from the past (preceding historical periods) that affected the approach to the poor and vulnerable.

3. How did prevailing views of human nature, of the poor and vulnerable, of individual or collective responsibility influence how human services were conceived and constructed?

4. Describe the human services of the period.

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• Methods and common practices. Who are the providers?
• Kinds of benefits provided. Rationale for them.
• Relevant laws and regulations.
• Were services voluntary or coercive? Which needs were targeted? Which groups were deemed worthy of service? Those not, kinds of vulnerability/impairment not addressed.
• Assess which groups’ interests in the larger society were being served by way human services were conceived and constructed during this period.

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