Toolkit for Topic Memo

Toolkit for Topic Memo

First you simply need to analyze 4 student topic ideas for the proposal. The 4 proposals are going to be attached, as well as the requirements for the final proposal. This will be the Real World Proposal Assignment sheet attached and use this document to answer:

1) How viable is each of the 4. Why or why not?
2) Can the idea be fixed or scaled down? What would you advise this student?

After this, please fill in the topic memo drafting sheet, which will be attached as well. For my actual proposal, I would like to focus on my fraternity, Sigma Nu. The general problem I would like to address is a lack of communication between brothers and simply not being as close as “brothers” should be. It doesn’t really matter as to the solution so please just incorporate something plausible. For the sources part, simply describe the types of general sources you may use and not the specific ones because we have not done the actual assignment yet. Please feel free to call if there are any questions.

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