American Political History

American Political History

• Define these political models: tyranny, monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, direct democracy, indirect democracy.
• What elements of our “political culture” are reflected in the Declaration of Independence?
• List at least 4 ways in the Articles of Confederation differed from the Constitution.

• What are the “Great Compromise” and the “3/5ths Compromise?”
• What is an “enumerated power?” List at least 2 for each of our 3 branches of government.
• Describe the significance of the following constitutional clauses and cases: Commerce Clause (Gibbons v. Ogden), and both the Supremacy Clause and Necessary & Proper Clause (McCullough v. Maryland).
• Following are two famous quotes from the Federalist Papers: “liberty is to faction what air is to fire.” And, “you must first enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place oblige it to control itself.” What do they mean? How is our government structured to address the concerns they raise?
• How can the constitution be amended? (BE SPECIFIC!)

• What is Federalism? Compare/contrast federal, unitary and confederate systems.
• What powers do states have? What is the 10th amendment?
• What is a “concurrent power?” Give at least 3 examples.
• What is the difference between a “categorical grant” and a “block grant?”
• Give 2 SPECIFIC examples of how power has shifted between the Federal and state levels of government since the Constitution was adopted.

State & Local Government
• Consider the Utah State budget. List four major expenditures and four sources of revenue.
• Define: direct referendum, direct initiative, recall, sunset law, sunshine law.
• What is the difference between a general and a line-item veto? How can gubernatorial powers to pardon and also to nominate judges be limited?
• What is a “domestic dependent nation?” How do cities/states interact with one?
• List at least 10 services provided by cities and towns.

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Civil Liberties
• What is a “civil liberty?” What is the “Bill of Rights?”
• What Amendment of the Constitution has, over time, led to “selective incorporation?”
• What is the difference between “establishment” and “exercise” of religion? Discuss 3 types of cases that might arise in each category.
• What types of “speech” are protected by the constitution? Discuss at least 3.
• What is the significance of McDonald v. City of Chicago?
• Regarding amendments 4-8, what is “due process?” Describe at least 4 due process protections. Discuss Miranda v. Arizona and Gideon v. Wainwright.
• What types of liberties has the Court determined were “implied?” Discuss Roe v. Wade.

Civil Rights
• How did states avoid fulfilling the promise of the “civil war amendments?”
• Discuss the history and significance of these three Supreme Court cases: Dred Scott v. Sanford, Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Board of Education.

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