Pepsi Co.

Pepsi Co.

Order Description
Using the uploaded documents for Pepsi Co, describe the financial information on the company. Topics should include the industry conditions, the financial position of the company (relative to the industry and the company as a whole), the performance of the company – as evidenced by the financial ratios compared to industry standards and/or competitors, and the economic outlook of the company. Also, explain why you would or would not invest in this company based on the research you have done. Note that while your opinion is being asked, the use of 1st person must be avoided. Your thread must include at least 4 peer-reviewed references and be at least 550 words. The format is APA.

The textbook is Hicks, M., & Hicks, S. (2014). Accounting for the rest of us. Raleigh, NC: Synergistics International.

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