Although ethnic entrepreneurship has been relatively well researched, the distinctions between the various ethnic groups make it difficult to construct an over-arching set of policies with regard to SME ethnic minority finance in the UK.

Although ethnic entrepreneurship has been relatively well researched, the distinctions between the various ethnic groups make it difficult to construct an over-arching set of policies with regard to SME ethnic minority finance in the UK.
Although ethnic entrepreneurship has been relatively well researched, the distinctions between the various ethnic groups make it difficult to construct an over-arching set of policies with regard to SME ethnic minority finance in the UK. Critically evaluate this statement.


· You are required to produce a report on the issue of financing ethnic entrepreneurship.

· You are required to critically analyse the barriers entrepreneurs from different ethnic groups are facing in securing finance, explore the role the government plays in addressing the finance barriers, and make relevant suggestions accordingly.

· Make reference to relevant academic theories.

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