Malthusian and Boserupian processes, cultural evolution, natural selection and ideas associated with the tragedy of the commons

Malthusian and Boserupian processes, cultural evolution, natural selection and ideas associated with the tragedy of the commons

Please write an essay answer to ONE of the 2 following questions. The maximum length for your answer is 1000 words (4 typed, double spaced pages).
1. Using material presented in this course construct an environmental scenario for the planet over the next century that you think is reasonable, taking into consideration Malthusian and Boserupian processes, cultural evolution, natural selection and ideas associated with the tragedy of the commons. Construct your argument carefully and critically incorporating as much as possible discoveries, concepts, models, hypotheses from this course.
2. Explain how natural selection shapes human behavior, focusing on EITHER the organic evolutionary approach discussed in Lectures 8,10 and 11, OR the Darwinian theory of cultural evolution (as represented in Lectures 12 & 13), but not BOTH. What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the approach you discuss? Illustrate your answer with discoveries, concepts, models, and hypotheses from this course, as well as your own examples wherever possible.
Hints for good essays
In terms of presentation and structure remember that your essay should include
• A title; please specify prompt 1 or 2 in your heading (not as the title)
• A clearly stated theme/argument in the introduction
• 3 or 4 paragraphs each comprising of a single topic sentence, followed by 3-5 supporting sentences
• A conclusion
• Use 12pt font and 1” margins
In terms of content you will receive a higher grade if you can
• Summarize existing information from lectures, discussions, and readings
• Support statements and arguments with specific examples (e.g., societies, species, specific research)
• Demonstrate critical thinking by incorporating your own ideas and examples

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Review your first draft with these points in mind, and you will probably produce a good essay. Proofreading a draft is also important. Keeping spell check and grammar check on are good habits to get into.

The main objective of the assignment is to give you practice in manipulating the ideas we talk about in class and discussion section. One of the important goals of general education classes is to improve your written communication, and we will take this task seriously in this course (25% of the essay grade is based on writing skill). There is nothing like having to talk or write about a subject to force you to try to think clearly about it! There is no need to use in your answer material not covered in lectures and readings, although the inclusion of relevant original thoughts and examples (with references) will boost your grade. You are free to talk to other students, to your TA, to a Writing Specialist at the Student Academic Success Center, or to the instructor before you write, but your essay must of course be your own.

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