Are children born with a specialized Universal Grammar that helps them learn language?

Are children born with a specialized Universal Grammar that helps them learn language?

To further examine an issue which is raised in the book (Pinker, Steven. 1994. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language. HarperPerennial) and which is of interest to you (or perhaps two or three closely related issues, if desired).


Take a claim or proposal made by the author of the book and discuss additional evidence that supports and/or refutes the claim. Your evidence could come from secondary sources such as research articles or books, from your own linguistic examples (e.g., attested examples or constructed examples from a language you speak well), or from personal experience. Assess the merits of the claim or proposal based on the evidence given by the author and the additional evidence you have found. If desired, you can discuss the proposal in relation to alternative proposals that have been made by others or that could be made.

It is necessary to discuss the merits of the claim in relation to some additional evidence, but it is not necessary to take a firm stand on the issue. If you disagree with the author, give your reasons. If you agree with the author, provide some additional evidence supporting the claim. If you think the evidence is inconclusive, show how some evidence supports the claim while other evidence does not.

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