Reaction paper

Reaction paper

you will write a report of AT LEAST 1 full page about your behvaiour modification plan. Follow the steps outlined. Your assigment is to design the plan and then write about it. The essay should be in MLA format: 12pt. Font, double spaced, etc. If it is not at least one full page you will receive an "F". possible organization: paragraph 1: (step 1) what is the behaviour you want to modify? Do you want to increase or decrease it? why? (step 2) How many times per week do you do it? What are the conditions when you do it? (Example: " 4 times I ate chocolate because I was under stress. 2 times I ate it because I was happy") Paragraph 2: (step 3) What is your plan for modifying the behaviour? Do you plan to use shaping? (step 4) Will you use reinforcement or punishment? why? What will you use as a "reward" or punishment? Why did you choose this? Paragraph 3: Do you think the shaping will work? Why/why not? What do you have to do to make it successful? (Example: avoid "cheating" or change reinforces if they don’t motivate you) How long will it take for the modification to reach maintenance (meaning when the behaviour will be modified) I want this essay to have no reference and no websites used for this. It should be about me and the behaviour i want to modify. The behaviour I want you to talk about is Anger Management. You can make stuff up but it should be with no resources what so ever.

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