criminal law

criminal law

For each set of 3 articles:

1) You should identify the legal issues being discussed in each article. If the article identifies an issue inaccurately or unclearly then you should recognise this and explain what in your view, based upon the facts given, the issue is.

2) You should also explain the relevant law related to these issues, referring to authorities (case-law, statutory provisions and journal articles as appropriate) to support your explanation. Where e.g. a crime has various elements, these should all be identified but the more detailed discussion of the law should be about that aspect(s) which seem most relevant to the story in the article. So for example, if an article is discussing insanity and a key issue is the difference between conditions caused by internal and external factors, that aspect should be discussed in more detail than these aspects of the definition of insanity which are less significant in the case reported in the article.

3) You should then consider how accurately the law is portrayed in the articles. This can be done article by article or by comparing articles, as seems most appropriate. As part of this evaluation you may wish to consider whether the articles would be more accurate if the law had been more precisely and fully explained; whether more correct use of legal terms would have made the article more accurate; and whether the style of the article has affected its accuracy-for example does the author give a neutral account of the story or seek to promote a particular view?

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4) Having analysed both sets of articles as above, you should then conclude briefly as to the overall accuracy of the press reports and any commonly occurring reasons for any inaccuracy.

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