management role

management role

?It?s management?s role to determine the most effective way to manage employees for the organisation, therefore employees should not expect to have a voice in decisions.? Discuss.

?It?s management?s role to determine the most effective way to manage employees for the organisation, therefore employees should not expect to have a voice in decisions.? Discuss.
There is no set answer to this essay, the topic could be dealt with in different ways. Whether or not you agree with the statement is not so important as how you justify your stance. ?Discuss? means you need to think about and write about the different possibilities before making your own judgement.
The words in the essay topic suggest what we would expect the essay to cover:

‐management?s role (in an employment relations context)?
‐ the most effective way to manage employees?
‐employee voice: should employees expect to have a voice in decision making? If so, in what form?


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