Explain how the satire of Pangloss is an attack on the idea of philosophical optimism.

Explain how the satire of Pangloss is an attack on the idea of philosophical optimism.

Analytic paper on Voltaire’s “Candide”

Subject: Explain how the satire of Pangloss is an attack on the idea of philosophical optimism.

Introduction that sets up the main topic in an interesting way; identifies the author and title of the work; provides a clear thesis; and suggest a method of development.

Well-developed body paragraphs that support the thesis, each with a topic sentence, textual evidence ( examples quoted and paraphrased from text, analysis of the textual evidence and a wrap-up sentence.

Conclusion that re-affirms the thesis without restating it mechanically.

This assignment asks you to read Annette Weiner’s ethnography The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea and compare/contrast this book with Lee’s book and American culture by addressing one of two topics: 1) the relationship between ritual and kinship OR the relationship between ritual and politics. You may NOT mix and match subjects. You must make a consistent comparison of all three cultures in terms of one of the topics. As with the Lee paper, you must make a minimum of 5 points of comparison. In addition to the class books and Lecture Modules, you must use a minimum of 3 additional references, hard copy or internet, to complete your comparison. The comparison/contrast should be written in your own words. If you must use someone else’s words, put them in quotation marks and cite the source in the bibliography. A single quotation should not be more than 2-3 sentences long.

What will the relationship between individual and society be in the U.S. in the future – say in about 50 years. How do you see that relationship changing – if at all. 5 pages.
What will the relationship between individual and society be in the U.S. in the future – say in about 50 years. How do you see that relationship changing – if at all. 5 pages.

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