
1. Journal Tasks (flexible word limit)
Evaluate the Provided Readings answering the journal tasks. Responses should reflect
developing understanding of the range of diverse abilities, concepts and theories, and of
pedagogical approaches involved in teaching students with diverse abilities. (25%)
Assessment Assessment results will be issued as grades. In order to achieve at least a unit pass
grade ALL assessment tasks must be submitted.

Journal Task questions are located within the study
materials, positioned adjacent to the reading you will need
to refer to. They appear in the format of this dialog box.
Submission guidelines are given under ‘Assignment 1’ in this
Study Book.
NB: Journals are reflective in nature and references are not
generally required in your responses. If you are referencing
material, please do so at the point of referral, i.e.
“The three goals of Principal Den Boer (Van Brummelen, H. 2002,
Steppingstones to Curriculum: A Biblical Path, p.167)…”
A bibliography is not required at the end of this task.

Journal 2.1
Foreman (2011) provides the following classification of
• Intellectual
• Physical
• Sensory
• Behavioural problems
• Learning difficulties
Using this chapter and your own wider reading, provide a brief
explanation of each category and a discussion of the impact
that each of these ‘disabilities’ might have on a child’s learning

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