Business plan:

Business Plan

Business plan:
I need:
Business Plan: Housing for International students (homestay and dormitory)
– Summary
– Business Strategy (demographic, values,services)
– Marketing Strategy
– Location and Layout
Main focus:
Why my homestay and dormitory company will be better than my competitors? What services will be provided in the homestay and dormitory? I need 5 employees for this company and their functions. (one of the employees is the dorm manager and what is his tasks for each daily schedule).
See bellow what I have in mind and please make the thesis based on this idea. It’s my own idea, but I would like it to be improved and whatever you think is better to be added. So please feel free if you have a better idea to improve my housing company and make any change.
The plan is to make a 5 year business plan (homestay for the first 4th year: 2014 – 2017) and dormitory in the last year (2018) with the profit collected from the homestay.
Important: I also need to explain about the services provided in the homestay and the dormitory to prove that my housing company is better.
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