tanglewood case 4 measurement and validity

tanglewood case 4 measurement and validity

“Based on the description of the experimental validation procedure,
do you believe that the observed validity estimates will generalize to
other stores? Provide an explanation for why the traditional method for
collecting validation evidence and the experimental procedure might
yield different results. Which method do you believe is more accurate?
Why or why not? What additional information might you use to determine
if the results will generalize?”
i only focus on question 4 (show you on above)

the suggestion answer is all of the predictors that show to be most
significant are items that can be generalizable to other store because
all stores should take the following predictors into consideration.
UNLESS it is a different country in which consciousness is not something
a particular culture values then no we can generalize these results to
other stores. From the looks of it we may only be able to generalize
these results to maybe stores that are in the US.
pleases according to this answer to analysis.
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