
The first natural advantage of good strategy arises because other organisations often don’t have one. And because they don’t expect you to have one, either. A good strategy has coherence, coordinating actions, and resources so as to accomplish an important end. Many organisations, most of the time don’t have this. Instead, they have multiple goals and initiatives that symbolise progress, but no coherent approach to accomplishing that progress other than “spend more and try harder” (Rumelt, R., 2012, Good and Bad Strategy, Profile Books, p.12). Critically evaluate this statement using appropriate business examples to support your analysis

Description of Assessment Requirements

1. Your analysis must be supported with appropriate academic literature and must provide clear evidence of independent critical evaluation.

2. The above coursework is an individual written assignment and worth 25%

3. All research must be referenced and a bibliography attached. Improper or lack of either of these constitutes plagiarism and students will be awarded a Zero.

4. The application of theory to practice will be given good marks.

5. Maximum Words (3000)

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