

The motor shown in the following figure supplies a torque of 380 lb.ft to shaft BCD. The torques removed at gears C and D are 220 lb.ft and 160 lb.ft, respectively. The shaft BCD has a constant diameter and is made of 0.4% C hot-rolled steel with an allowable shearing stress of 15 ksi. The angle of twist between B and D cannot exceed 3.0o. Each of the segments BC and CD of the shaft has a length of 4 ft. Determine
(a) The minimum permissible diameter of the shaft, if shafts are available with diameters in increments of 1/8 in.
(b) The diameter of the bolts used in the coupling, if eight bolts are used, and the allowable shearing stress for the bolts is 7000 psi. The diameter of the bolt circle is d1 = 3.5 in., and bolts are available with diameters in increments of 1/16 in.

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