project summaries

project summaries
2 summaries written for 2 separate projects. Instructions are provided please read both summaries carefully.

• Project #3: A Television Observation Experiment — Gender Stereotypes
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Gender Stereotyping in Children’s Television Programs
OBJECTIVE: To help develop awareness of media influences and social learning theory, as well as apply the concepts of gender development.
TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Observational experiment and report
COMPLETION TIME: 2 – 3 hours (depending on how much television you watch)
DIRECTIONS: Watch one to two hours of children’s television to determine the number of gender-stereotyped events. It may be helpful to record the two hours so you can pause & skip as needed while you write. It is recommended that you also watch at least a few commercials. For this assignment, the commercials will also provide insight for your reflection paper.
Preparation: Determine which two hours you will watch. Set up recording if desired. Before you watch the programs, reread the section in the text about gender and gender development (pp 235-242). Think about examples of gender stereotyping. If the characters were stereotyped, what would they look like? If the characters play stereotyped role, what would they act like?
Watch the Programs: Continually remind yourself to look for gender stereotypes. Sometimes we are so used to seeing such stereotypes that we might miss them. Keep a checklist of the incidents of gender stereotyping you notice. Also notice the commercials during the two hours. Note any gender stereotyping present in the advertisements for children’s toys or products.
Your Report: Write a paper giving your observations and your reactions. Your paper should summarize your observations and give many examples of what you observed. The conclusion should highlight the main findings of your observations and your reactions. Your paper should be about 1 to 2 pages in length, but how well you can connect your observations to the theories discussed in the text is more important than length.
• Project #4: The Influence of Competition
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Competition in Middle Childhood
OBJECTIVE: To learn more about the potential benefits and drawbacks of competition psychosocial development
TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Interviews and Report
COMPLETION TIME: 2 – 3 hours (can vary based on length of interviews)
DIRECTIONS: Interview two coaches or parents of children who have been involved in competitive activities, as well as two child athletes (middle school or higher) who participate (or previously participated) in competitive school activities. These activities could be team sports, such as soccer, baseball, or football, or individual sports, such as track, gymnastics, golf, etc. You wll have a total of 4 brief interviews for this project.
PREPARATION: You might review the section in our text about Peer Groups (pp 306-313). Then think of a few questions ahead of time (you may wish to write them down). Take a recording device or plan to take notes on the interview. The interview doesn’t have to be too formal (or long). It can just be a casual conversation, but you do need to gain enough information to help you apply the concepts. You might ask the adults to explain how they feel about the positive and negative aspects of competition. Ask what they do to minimize the negative aspects of competition. Ask the children what they like and dislike about their sport. Ask whether they feel pressure to win.
Write Your Observations: Write1 to 2 page report summary about the interviews and your conclusions. In your introduction, please describe the people you interviewed and how they conversations were conducted. The body of the paper should present the adults’ views and the children’s views on competition and it’s role in development. The conclusion of the paper should include your overall impressions of competition based the interviews or your experiences. For example, you might consider the following questions as a guide to help: Did the interviews provide any new insight? What things could impact whether the child experiences positive or negative effects? How can negative effects be minimized? How does the child’s personality or talents influence the effects?

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