Corporate governance based – topic board independence and firm performance

Corporate governance based – topic board independence and firm performance

Board independence and firm performance (corporate governance based)

Understand what corporate governance is and through it will easier to make sense of the question

Make research question and discuss before finalizing the work
The topic will be divided In two sections and more questions will be discovered from the topic it self and the first part of the topic more research questions will need to formed and consult with me before deciding on the final sub research questions

Board Independence
Board structure – ownership proportion their structure
How many Non executive directors are there? and do they comply with the reports a lot of research is required into the articles and the companies 45 to 50 companies from FTSE 100 chose any 45 50 and the variables will be not being able to find all the data but and do they comply with the reports and which companies comply and which doesn’t comply and does that affect there performance (finance wise)

Sub committees and do they follow rules and regulation

Second part carry out regression anyalsis out 50 FTSE100 same companies from part 1 and link the two and answer the main question

the writer needs to be able to do regression anyalsis as it’s an important of the work…the data of the shares can be found from FT.COM and my user name n password will be given and u can use yahoo finance and other websites to find shares prices in order to carry out the analysis – also all the working out of regression analysis the tables created in excel by adding the companies share prices and the. Carrying out the regression needs to be put in the appendix which is not counted in the word limit – that’s a must and without that the marks won’t be awarded

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At least 80 to 100 sources as 40 to 50 of which will be the annual reports as that’s used for analysis of the companies board performance and firm performance and data finding of the regression anyalsis finding share prices and find the answers for the initial board structures NEDs (how many directors are present) and committees. the rest of the articles required will be different

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