W5 A1 peds

W5 A1 peds
Please review:
•Assessment, diagnostic testing, and management of chest pain in pediatric patients
•Assessment and evaluation of heart murmurs in pediatric patients
•Assessment and evaluation of bruising in the pediatric population

Once you have completed your research, respond to the following questions:
•How would you evaluate and manage a pediatric patient who has a chest pain? Which diagnostic studies would you recommend for this patient and why? When would you refer the patient to a specialist?
•Will your differential diagnosis differ for a pediatric patient who presents with a murmur, depending on the patient’s age? Why or why not? Which diagnostic studies would you suggest if your patient presents a localized, musical, grade I/IV murmur?
•What would be defined in a pediatric patient as abnormal bruising? What diagnostic testing would you obtain to evaluate abnormal bruising further and why? What physical exam findings and diagnostic results would be concerning to you and why?
How common is chest pain in the pediatric population?
What teaching would you perform with the parents of a child with chest pain?
Please use headings for each of the questions

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