Final Laboratory Report

Final Laboratory Report

As part of the experiment designed and performed by your group, you will write a in-depth laboratory
report and give a presentation. More on the presentation later. Writing a laboratory report can be a
serious endeavor and I expect much more than is typical from laboratory reports in other classes.

Most importantly, a laboratory report should tell a story! It is important that your laboratory report is
well structured and the writing flows. But more than that, you should bullet point the flow of ideas and
concepts covered in each section of the laboratory report so that you can be sure that you are telling a
clear and well defined narrative.

For each group member, add 5 pages to the length of the report. For example, a group of 4 should write
a 20-page double spaced laboratory report. consisting of the following parts:


An introduction will provide background information to the reader, and review relevant literature. An
excellent source for literature is “Google scholar” and “”. Special attention should be given to
the opening line of your report. It has to entice the reader in and convey the importance of your
experiments. Include a lot of references here stating what other people have done research on, why its
relevant to your study and what you are doing differently.


The methodology should be simple, concise but detailed. Its is a brief description of experimental
procedures which would allow an independent researcher to reproduce your experiments. Include
diagrams or photographs of your experiment.


Your results should tell a story! Figures should be meaningful and help you to tell the story. All figures,
tables and graphics should be embedded into the word processed document and be accompanied by a
figure caption. See the beginning of the lab manual on how to include figures. When designing your
experiments you should sketch a plot of the figures you expect to generate to give you a clear idea of
your expectations, the story your trying to tell and the experiments you will need to perform.


Summary and Conclusions

Summarize your experimental procedures and results obtained. Draw relevant conclusions and briefly
discuss possible future work. This is not the time or place for commentary. No opinions please.

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