Seeds of Destruction & Dolley Madison: America’s First Lady

Seeds of Destruction & Dolley Madison: America’s First Lady

there are two video assignment, It contains in one oder because each questions doesn’t need to be very long! Bullet points will be fine!
Below are the link for each assignment. (don’t watch the whole movie of seeds of destruction )
Seeds of Destruction(from 1:48:
56 to 2:45:19):
Dolley Madison: America’s First Lady:
The attachments are the assignments paper, each questions need to be answered, but it doesn’t have to be long like essay. couple sentences will be fine! But it must to answer the questions in those couple sentences.
All the answers should be found in the video!

According to Harriet Jacobs, why is having beauty a curse for enslaved women?

Besides being enslaved, what was Nat Turner’s profession? Why did this concern slave owners?

Explain what the term “brutalized” meant to Harriet Jacobs.

Who was more likely to run away from slavery? Why were women not as likely to run away?

Describe how slavery psychologically affected children?
Give an example of how Northern states benefited from slavery?
How is Dolley Madison’s character developed by the events of her childhood and young adulthood?

Describe Washington D.C. when Dolley Madison arrives. How does Dolley Madison change the role of the First Lady in the White House?
Dolley Madison believed slavery was a “necessary evil”. Explain what “necessary evil” means. Also give an example of how slavery is an integral part of Dolley Madison’s life.

Who is Dolley Madison’s weakness and explain how this leads her to becoming impoverished towards the end of her life?

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Give an example of two primary sources and how they are displayed in this documentary?


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