Public relations

Public relations
Individual Assignment : Based on the list of problems in your community (YELM, WA), consider what kinds of data would need to be gathered? Pros & Cons of the different kinds of data you would use.
What evaluation instruments might you use and why (evaluate based on chapter 12 criteria as best you can). Consider issues of reliability and validity.
Lastly, develop what you would consider an appropriate questionnaire for collecting data on your community problem. Make sure your questionnaire is written as you would administer it.

You will also include the following:

Discuss whether the following desired outcomes are likely to be monetary or non-monetary. Would your evaluation be a cost-benefit analysis or a cost-effectiveness
study? (Also discuss in some detail how you might do such an analysis)
a. increased employee morale in a social service agency
b. Improved client satisfaction in after-school tutoring program
c. Reduced alcohol and drug use within a factory
d. Improved employee health in a state agency
e. Reduced stress for child protection workers

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