
For each of the following two scenarios describe the population, the sample, and name the sampling technique/strategy used by the researcher. Discuss the appropriateness of the strategy, and if the sample number is acceptable. Use citations to support your claims and if you disagree with the methods then please suggest ways it could be adapted to better survey this topic.

1. Joseph Rodriguez is surveying attitudes of the public regarding the ethics of collegiate recruiting of athletes. He goes to a professional baseball game in his city on a Saturday and gets his sample by interviewing 100 people standing in line at one of the hot dog stands.

2. Sarah Kha Lee wanted to analyze the attitudes of her city’s elementary school children toward recycling. She selected 3 schools out of the 75 in her city and surveyed all third, fifth, and seventh graders during their lunch period. This gave her 22 classes, with 601 students all together. She selected these schools because the children were known to be similar to those in the rest of the city in intellectual ability, in ratio of whites to nonwhites, and in the percentage of students who received free/reduced fee lunches.
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