Analyzing music in a film clip (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)

Analyzing music in a film clip (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)
You have to analyze a film clip that I chose, which is The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. You should watch the “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King : Clip 44:00 0 49:00 “. In the clip, you can listen some background music. You should analyze the film clip, and the role of music within that clip. You can assume the reader has seen the film, but you still want to orient your reader with a brief introduction of your topic. Similarly, at the end of your paper, you want a conclusion that provides insight and synthesis–stating the sorts of things that come from reflecting on the observations and analysis that make up the “meat” of your paper.

Below are things that you should analyzing on the paper:

How does the music communicate an emotion, feeling or mood?

How does the music help us interpret events or better understand the narrative?

Describe music – instrumentation (string, brass, wind, keys, vocal, solo, ensemble, orchestra, band, electronic), high, low, tempo, fast, slow, melody, rhythm etc.

If the music creates a “sombre” mood, what about how the music sounds makes you experience that mood, or think of that mood?

What in the music makes it a “beautiful song”, or a “calming song”?

Why does it sound menacing, dark, vibrant or majestic?

What makes it sound obscure, or mysterious?

What made it sound that way? What did you hear? How did the music “drive” or “calm” the scene or character?

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You could watch your clip without sound, then with the sound. You may end up noticing things you didn’t notice before. The music/sound may make you feel differently about the clip.

You’re writing about the collaboration of the images and music. The music affects the emotion of the audience. But it’s more than a “beautiful” song.

Don’t just list different songs that you hear, from soundtracks or albums. Describe them, and not just the text.

Does the music sound like a symphonic style or popular style?

How is the music mixed with the sound affects? Is it in the front, or is there an even balance between the music and sound affects?

If you are describing nondigetic music, use terms from lesson 4 (mickey mousing, stinger, temporal continuity, temporal ellipsis, bridge, montage etc).

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