

The University of Greenwich is a British, London based university.

It has 3 campuses in south-east London and north Kent. It is the largest university in London by student numbers (app. 24,000) and the greenest in the UK in 2012 as assessed by The People & Planet Green League. Since 2010, the university is constantly ranked #1 in terms of student satisfaction across all 20 listed universities in London.

The Faculty of Engineering and Science is responsible for the majority of the academic provision of the University of Greenwich at the Medway campus.

The faculty includes disciplines of Engineering, Science, Pharmacy, as well as the Natural Resources Institute (NRI).

The aim of the project is to:

Explore a range of technologies that are used all over the world to perform the class attendee’s registration on a semi or fully automated basis.

The objectives of the project are to:

1. Describe in detail three state-of-art student semi or fully automated registration technologies, compare their advantages and disadvantages in-between as well as with existing university registration procedure;

2. Carry out cost-effective analysis and propose how much it will cost to implement top-two preferred semi or fully automated registration technologies at the School of Engineering & Science at Medway (based on type of the selected technologies, total number of teaching rooms, support staff and maintenance costs should considered).

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