Servant leadership

Servant leadership

Address the following: Most companies make statements such as “Our people are our single greatest strength and most enduring longterm competitive advantage” (, but for Southwest, that isn’t just words – they back them with actions – and because of that they are a company which does business very differently than nearly every for-profit corporation in the world. This is owed in large part to the vision and values of its leaders, from founder Herb Kelleher to current Chair and CEO Gary Kelly; all have exemplified servant leadership (and great business acumen). Now view the video at [] <br /> <br /> ASSIGNMENT: Then, after watching the video, put down the three things that hit you the most about how Colleen Barrett, Southwest’s former CEO, exemplified servant leadership. Be sure to amplify these with the actions, and back them up with your own research as to the characteristics of a servant leader.<br /> <br /> **The REQUIRED source is listed below and the other one is your choice: [Spears, L.C. (2005). The understanding and practice of servant-leadership. Servant Leadership Research Roundtable. Retrieved from]

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