Philosophy of Feminism

Philosophy of Feminism

Women’s & gender studies

I. According to Helen Longino, scientists should allow feminist goals and
principles to shape their research. How does she arrive at this conclusion?
Develop an example to illustrate her view. Is her conclusion correct? Why?
Why not? Longino distinguishes her feminist approach to science from a
different feminist approach, which aims to eliminate androcentric bias
(Longino, 60). Why does she reject this approach? Which position do you
favor? Defend your view.
II. State and explain three of Marilyn Waring’s criticisms of economic theory.
What support does she adduce for her claims? Are they convincing? Should
economists alter their discipline in response to Waring? Give examples of
changes Waring does or would advocate. Defend your view.
III. What is the problem of women’s advancement? Give Valian’s explanation for
the problem.

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