
Part 1
Directions: Write a report based on an Internet search of five supplements or herbs that claim to reduce the risk of cancer or heart disease.

1. Conduct an Internet Search: Find five supplements or herbs that may help reduce the risk of cancer or heart disease.
2. As you review these supplements, make sure that you include any warnings or usage suggestions in your review.
3. This assignment is designed for you to not only learn about different supplements, but to use some critical thinking skills to determine how appropriate these supplements are.
4. List the five supplements you found as well as any information about them and how they may reduce the risk of cancer or heart disease.
5. Research and discuss how supplements and herbs are regulated and how scientific studies are conducted on them.
6. Conclude your findings and recommendations based on your research.
7. The paper should be two to three pages in length and supported with credible references.
Part 2
Do a search in the library, Internet, or in Proquest to find an article from a reputable source on a certain disease that is affected by nutrition. Do a review of the article. Write a couple of paragraphs about the article. Discuss what the article is about, and what, if any, recommendations it makes and its relationship to nutrition. Try to tie in key concepts you have learned in other chapters. Include your references used.

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