Kudler Fine Foods

Kudler Fine Foods
Learning Team Instructions: Develop a table that identifies the top threats to the new customer rewards program at Kudler Fine Foods in preparation for your final report. Include the likely vulnerabilities each threat might exploit. The following table is an example of one you might use:

Area of System
Potential Vulnerability
Draft a summary of those threats that the team feels are most critical to Kudler.Draft the security considerations for each phase of the systems development process.

Identify specific concerns if the system is ever removed from service.

Specify what can be done in each systems development process phase to mitigate the risk for each entry in the table from the previous week. Be specific, but high-level in your mitigations. Most or all items will have something to check or do in each stage of the systems development process.Identify the key information security policy elements that will be needed at Kudler Fine Foods to support the efforts to ensure that the new frequent shopper program properly protects the customer and organizational information.

Identify the security awareness training needed to ensure that employees are ready to properly protect customer and organizational information when using the new system. an 8-to 10-page report for the CIO of Kudler Fine Foods.

This report should cover the material from the previous weeks, providing a comprehensive look at the key safeguards needed for the project at each stage of the systems development processes.

The report should have clear recommendations to ensure that the final frequent shopper program system is properly secured against likely threats.

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Include the requirements for future audit provisions the internal staff may use to validate the security measures in the system.

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