Task 3: L03 Understand the factors influencing the health and wellbeing of individuals in health and social care settings

Produce a report on the factors which influence the health and well-being of the service users.
3.1.assess the health and wellbeing priorities for individuals in a particular health or social care setting. By priorities this means determinants of health. priorities: factors examples safety and security, mobility, diet, hygiene, intellectual, social, emotional needs

3.2 evaluate the effectiveness of strategies, systems and policies in a health or social care setting. strategies, system and policies:organisation of service provision, quality of provision, choice, complaint policies, partnership, involvement of friends and family

3.3 discuss changes that could be made to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals in a health and social care setting .

3.4 evaluate any activity that has been implemented to encourage behavior change for maximizing health for individuals in a health or social care setting . example education, physical exercise, games, consultation exercises ( eg focus group), input from specialists.

NB please give examples and let your focus be on UK not US because I don’t live in the US. UK REFERENCES

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