Critical Analysis economic report

Critical Analysis economic report
The major focus of this report is to promote critical reading and economic analysis skills. This includes developing critical analysis skills i.e. identifying short comings, limitations and what works well, and questioning of how things are done from an economic perspective. Deeper learning also includes the ability to extrapolate, extend and apply principles and theory based on the evidence. This is shown in the ability to make recommendations for the future. Students have to examine recent national and international literature. Quality of writing skills is also being assessed to help improve competency.
Most countries have or are beginning to invest in eHealth strategies and modes of delivery. NSW Health released a state plan in 2014 which lists “enabling eHealth” and one of the key strategies to address for health care delivery. Critically analyse the economic sustainability for delivery of this strategy in NSW.
You will be assessed on the following:
• Use of report format.
• Proof reading of text to ensure accuracy of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
• Writing clearly and in an appropriate formal style for an academic report.
• Evidence of wide reading from appropriate academic resources including ejournals.
• Adequately and appropriately covering the material in the report.
• Ability to critically analyse content as shown by use of recommendations for further improvements.

NSW Health. (2014) NSW State Health Plan: Towards 2021. Retrieved from

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