BARNA Lab Relations

BARNA Lab Relations
First, follow-up with at least two recent papers from the Barna Labs after reading the papers from the links given below. Provide a summary of the findings from the two recent papers from Barna Labs. Write the summary in a way that you that incoporates the work into a review article of the topic related to the papers that you choose.

Note that the two of the papers I have given you the links to read are in fact reviews, so incorporate new Barna work into a hypothetical review that you are writing. Do NOT use the two links I have given you to write this assignment. Find new papers from the Barna labs website.

Identify from the new papers from Barna labs what you perceive to be the next steps to be carried out by the investigators based on the results in the papers.

Identify some unresolved issues.

In order to do this assignment, it would be a good idea to select papers that are related in some fashion to ribosome heterogeneity, so that you have a cohesive theme to discuss.

Include a reference list.

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