Exploring and Evaluating Media and Media Theories

Option #1: Know Your Meme! Exploring and Evaluating Media and Media Theories
New media, digital communication, and the internet have changed how we consume information. In fact, we don’t just consume media but instead reshape and deliver information/media to other audiences, who then may remix it again.

A perfect example of this is internet memes. Sometimes referred to as an internet fad or phenomenon, an internet meme is most often an activity, concept, and catchphrase that is often delivered in a piece of media. It then gains popularity and quickly spreads online. The sharing and remixing of internet memes often take place through social networking sites and blogs that post, remix, and repost the popular memes, thereby reinforcing their popularity.

Still not sure you understand memes? Think of Gangnam Style, the success kid, or one of the many lolcats memes. You’ve been encountering memes and may not have even realized it!

For this assignment, you will complete the following:

Part 1:

Visit www.knowyourmeme.com, and analyze the various memes on the site. Why do you think these memes gather audience attention and participation? What features do they all share? How does each meme invite participation beyond viewing the image or video clip? Select 3-4 media/communication theories we’ve explored so far and discuss how memes relate to and/or contradict those theories.

Part 2:

Create your own idea for an internet meme that you think would be widely emulated and shared online. Discuss what features from Part 1 you would include and how you would encourage audiences to extend your meme by copying its idea. If you have video or photo editing software, enact your idea by creating the meme and posting it online. Include the link in your assignment submission. Select 3-4 media/communication theories we’ve explored so far and discuss how your meme and the act of creating your meme relate to and/or contradict those theories.

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Include research from at least 3 scholarly sources. In addition, you may use the course required readings.
Write a 4-5 page paper, not counting the required title and reference pages.