American Literature

Weltgeschichte as Heilsgeschichte: typology in Mary Rowlandson’s and Jerome Lalemant’s captivity narratives

American Literature 1
Paper #1
The learning objectives for this course include the following:
• Plan, organize, and produce research based written responses for this paper.
• Analyze and synthesize information from this source- cite these sources by using appropriate documentation style.

Prompt: Mary Rowlandson recounts her experiences as Metacomet’s captive in 1676. In writing about her experiences, Rowlandson attempts to frame and understand her ordeal by using typology, or the use of types to understand a text or experience.
Using text(s) “Weltgeschichte as Heilsgeschichte: typology in Mary Rowlandson’s and Jerome Lalemant’s captivity narratives” (required) , discuss Rowlandson’s purpose behind the text and the typology she uses to evaluate her experiences.
For this assignment, you will
1. Complete a close reading of the texts.
2. Distinguish what does and does not relate to your thesis.
3. Create paraphrases from the primary and secondary sources as support for your arguments. Paraphrases will demonstrate that you analyzed and synthesized the information.
4. Eschew direct quotes unless you need to preserve the original language to support your point.
5. Organize your paper into a clear introduction with a thesis, body paragraphs, and a conclusion of no less than 275 words, excluding the header, heading, and Works Cited page.
6. Follow proper MLA document design.
7. Follow proper MLA citation format for your document, including in-text citations that begin with signal phrases that demonstrate your use of Academic Moves/They Say _ I say, and strong verbs and end with a parenthetical note.
8. Submit your paper to Turn It In for PeerMark and SmartThinking for tutor feedback.
9. Review the rubric in Turn It In so you know how the paper will be evaluated.
10. Turn a draft in of this paper by Oct 5th and Final paper due Oct. 11, 2015 5pm Eastern Time, revise, and revise, so you are turning in your best work.
11. Submit final draft in Turn itin to be graded.
Demonstrate your understanding of the reading material by analyzing and synthesizing, through the use of paraphrases, the material you have read.
Remember: You must use the Academic Moves templates and verbs, boldfacing them in your post, and proper in-text citation format. Include a Works Cited entry at the end of your post. Make sure you are double spacing your entire post and using a hanging indent for the Works Cited entry. Follow the format for the Works Cited entry:Works Cited Entry for an Anthology.

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