
1. Identify potential segment(s) for d.Light products in India and describe customer profile (e.g., customer characteristics, needs, and behavior) of each segment
a. Rural Families:
i. unreliable electric grid
ii. agricultural jobs
iii. impoverished
iv. don’t have the income to purchase but have a higher need
v. needs are not met due to lack of government infrastructure
vi. have debts outstanding
vii. lack of education
viii. income isn’t guaranteed and is dependent on harvest success
ix. average income Rs. 41,194
x. makes up 70% of population
b. Urban Families
. unreliable electric grid
i. convenience of phone charger on the S250 d.Light model
ii. children have access to education
1. may need lighting for school work for longer periods of time
iii. average income Rs. 77,612
iv. makes up 30% of population

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