

Is there a natural right to private property, or do property rights depend for their standing upon social institutions? Some philosophers, for example, John Locke, advocate the view the at the right to private property is natural, and indeed fundamental to many other individual rights and freedoms. Other authors (such as F. A. Hayek[see the articles on Hayek under Supplemental Reading in the Required Reading content item in Unit III of the course ]) argue that property rights are not natural, but rather are based upon the social advantages that result from a system of recognizing and enforcing private property. Still other authors, for example, Karl Marx, want to abolish property altogether (at least, property in the means of production). Critically discuss the idea of private property,and drawing on the views of at least two of the authors we have studied in the course, indicate which view you find most compelling. Defend your answer
in the most fundamental way you can.

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