analysis of the advertising campaign of GTA 5

analysis of the advertising campaign of GTA 5

You have to analyse the advertising campaign of GTA V ( grand theft auto 5 video games from rockstar) in the United States.
You have to detail the rationale for the campaign strategy and critically evaluate why the campaign will be effective by reference to advertising theory.

The two main important point of this is report are: – explain the campaign strategy
– evaluation of the campaign

NB: In your analysis you have to use tools such as PESTEL , SWOT . . .

The structure of the report is as follow:

? information relating to the firm and Industry/market.

2)Situation analysis:
you have to use the following tools
SWOT Analysis

3)Consumer analysis
? Market segmentation
? Targeting
? Positioning

4) Advertising Objectives
Creative strategy

5)Conclusion and Recommendations


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