


What protein makes up prokaryotic flagella?

What are the 3 sections of a flagella

How do flagella move (type of movement and energy source)?

What are the different types of flagellar arrangements

What are runs and tumbles (what direction does the flagellum move for each)?

How does a peritrichous flagellated organism need to do with its flagella to move forward?

What are: chemotaxis, phototaxis, magnetotaxis?

In what types of organisms are gas vacuoles found and what is their function?

What are the 3 types of gliding motility? What do all of them have in common?

How are eukaryotic flagella different from prokaryotic flagella? (include where the energy comes from)

What are pili and how might they function?

What are capsules and do they function?

What are granules and inclusion bodies—what types of molecules are found in them?


What is an endospore?

What are the 4 basic parts of an endospore? And where do they form?

–what are SAPS and calcium dipicolinate

Eukaryotic organelles:

What are mitochondrion and chloroplasts? What is there structure?

What is the endoplasmic reticulum? What is the Golgi apparatus?

What is the theory of endosymbiosis and what is the evidence to support it?
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